17th September

Recycled water is being used on the gardens. Watering at night appears to work better than day time. 


We are still having problems with the Beach Gate. The lock has been replaced by a magnetised system. This works well and is vandal proof so now the vandals have sprayed paint over the key pad. Also one of the new signs onto the path to Bar Bastian has been sprayed.


The first tests of our internet access system were completed successfully in late August.  We are now installing the operational system into about 6 homes in varied locations across Zone D to test our cables and amplifiers. As long as all goes well with those tests, I am optimistic that we shall have full availability by the end of October.


Lanzarote has been subject to a fungus on plants and shrubs and we have been particularly badly hit.  We have purchased a mobile sprayer to treat all of the plants and shrubs.  This work should be completed next week. 


The Pool guard finished on Sunday 16.9.12 as the children are now back at school.

