5th October 2022

The previous security issues appear to have died down, and will hopefully stay that way, but do please keep vigilant and follow the advice given in previous posts. New security signage has started to be put up on the complex to try and dissuade unwanted visitors.
The Shower at the top pool is being refurbished. The new tiles are in place, and it should be completed shortly. The trellis around the pumps will also be installed. Once this is done, work will start on the shower by the lower pool.
The replacement of the fence behind the T&Vs should start by the end of the month, providing there are no other urgent jobs that take priority, such as water leaks, which can be very expensive for the community!

The shrubs that were planted earlier this year as a trial appear to be doing well and bringing a bit more colour to the gardens, which is encorouging for future planting.

Can we also remind owners to let their Guests know where the bins are for rubbish and recycling.
