25de febrero 2013

The current programme of Palm Trees pruning is now nearing completion.

Manhole repairs to footpaths by the maintenance team are ongoing.

The Internet installation is working well with over 50 users now successfully connected.

Following a breakdown at the main recycled water plant the system is working well and the plants are flourishing using this water. We have not noticed any smell nor increase in flies.

Tadao is continuing with the repairs to the Centre Road wall.

A further four Palm Trees have been removed once the Permits were acquired.

The Court case has been won regarding the damage to promenade entrance Key Pads by William Prince Hilton. Over 40 hours of mine, board members and Luis and community time has been spent on this case in court and in the police station.

We are currently seeking estimates to install two strategically placed sleeping policemen to slow down traffic on centre road.

Jacque, Fil, the Cannata Family and Celia wish to send heartfelt thanks to the good friends and kind community members who helped during the sudden shock of Fil having a stroke. Also for the constant support and help with transport to and from hospital. Fil is now recovering back in the UK and undergoing various therapies. Please see the Community Forum for more information on his progress, we all wish him well and speedy recovery.
