24th Mai 2014

Ref opening the gate to central road on Costas advice, under the threat of Fines.

On Thursday this week, several lorries arrived on the Promenade and proceeded to unload with Cranes a huge generator, several large containers and erected a Marquee on the Beach. This I discovered was for a wedding reception. One would imagine at substantial cost. On the day of the Reception, Freitag, prior to the guests arriving the Costas, Local Polie and Guardia arrived and the event was cancelled. This incident shows we cannot underestimate the authority of the Costas.

An amazing situation!



22nd May 2014

The kerbside area on our North Boundary is being repaired and painted and the work is near completion. The fence to our Northern Boundary will be repaired and strengthened during the next few weeks.

We would like to thank the owners who have remarked that the Complex is the best they have seen it. the Maintenance Team have worked hard to achieve this result.

Please speak with Luis should you require any Garden work carried out and not approach the Team. This system works better for continuity and stops any confusion.



16th Mai 2014

We are currently painting areas to the rear of the Ts and Vs i.e. walls to parking area.

The current garden water is working with exceptable pressure to all areas. We have installed a water point for garden water on our domestic supply to an area that appears to suffer low pressure from garden water at times. Should this prove a problem in the future we can revert to the domestic water supply. This is also on the Ts and Vs.

Yolanda is now on holiday until 3.6.2014 should you need to contact her.

We have decided in the next few weeks i.e. Plot 222, to remove the low seating in Reception and replace with standard tables and chairs.



14th Mai 2014

For those owners paying their IBI payments by Direct Debit, I thought I should make you aware that the IBI payments made to the Town Hall will be taken in 4 stages this year and not 3 stages as last year.



4th Mai 2014

The new water company Canal Gestian have visited the complex at our request to assess the water pressure to our garden supply. They agreed the pressure levels were unacceptable and we currently have vastly improved water pressure to the gardens.

UCCT no longer maintain the Municipal Parts outside of our complex. This has been taken over by the Autiamento.

The Maintenance Team are improving areas that need painting and tidying up to maintain the high standards on the Complex. Miguel has injured himself at Home impaling his arm on a screwdriver, just missing an artery and will be off work for a while.

Street Lighting is currently working perfectly and we have not started the next phase of cable replacement.

We have now turned off the heating to the Pools as normal for this time of year.
