9th May 2022

Following the AGM in April we have had interest regarding supporting the work of the board. Julian Norfolk, who many of you will know from his previous time on the board, has shown such interest and we are co-opting him onto the board with immediate effect. This brings the board back to its full compliment of five members. Of course any other interested parties can express interest and as always all board positions can be ‘fought’ for at the next AGM in 2023.

Below is a brief profile from Julian….

Julian Norfolk profile

I have been an owner with my wife Jacqui, on Playa Bastian since 2004. I had been coming to Lanzarote for many years before as my sister and family lived on the Island.

We were immediately taken with Playa Bastian when we first saw it, and knew straight away that we wanted to buy there.

I am a retired Dental Surgeon by profession, but enjoy being an amateur web designer, and have designed and maintained the Playa Bastian website and blog for many years. Besides enjoying IT stuff, I also like to make ceramics in my little home pottery studio, walk, cycle, spend time gardening, and travel, although haven’t done much of the latter recently for obvious reasons!

I was originally on the committee from 2013 until the 2018 AGM when I stood down. I enjoyed my time on the committee especially helping to get the current way we deliver TV up and running. I now find myself with more free time, and now that Jacqui has fully retired we are hoping to spend more time here than we have been able to do in the past. I feel that I am now in a position to contribute more to the community where I am needed.